Welcome to Hippie Sole in Gloucester; Complementary Therapies for health, relaxation and renewal
My name is Petra and my practice is based in Coopers Edge in Gloucester in comfort of my home where I offer Reflexology and Reiki treatments.
I have Level 5 Diploma in Reflexology, highly trained to provide specialist treatments inclusive to level 5 and I’m proud to be member of Association of Reflexologists.
One of the specialist treatments I provide is NEPIP ( Neurological , Endocrine, Psychological, Immune , Pody ) NEPIP is unique treatment when you will actively involved to work with me.
This treatment is most suitable for people who suffer with stress and anxiety. This treatment is designed to balance your hormones ,strengthen your immune system and reduce stress.
Im trained to provide fertility, maternity &,postpartum treatment, palliative care and many more.
I’m passionate about my work and my treatments are tailored to suit your needs with aim to improve your well-being and help your body to relax and unwind.
I spent the last 18 years in the healthcare sector, looking after elderly and people with learning difficulties. As much as I loved my job I was drawn to holistic therapies.
I'm also orgonite artist and you can see me on spiritual fayres and craft markets around Gloucestershire. @thereikiartist73 on Instagram
Reflexology is a natural therapy founded on the belief that your feet and hands are a reflection of the systems in your body - where specific areas correspond to organs, glands and structure. By applying gentle pressure to areas of the feet or hands a Reflexologist can help the body restore its own healthy balance.
Reflexology aims to treat the individual as a whole, creating a state of harmony in both body and mind. It has the benefit of also being a deeply relaxing therapy, and during periods of relaxation the body takes the opportunity to heal, restore and energise itself.
Reflexology does not diagnose and does not cure though; as a complementary therapy it should not be considered an alternative to conventional medicine.
Reflexology is natural holistic therapy, that encourages the body’s own healing process on physical and emotional level. It’s a great therapy to relieve anxiety and stress, improve mood, boost immune system and overall well-being.
Wonderful subtle energy therapy using only gently touch or no touch at all, working with your energy field around the body aiding stress reduction and inner healing. It’s incredibly relaxing experience where practitioner channeling reiki into your body and reiki goes where you need it most on physical, emotional or spiritual level.
Both therapies are complimentary and no substitute for medical intervention.
As a practitioner I do not claim to diagnose, cure or prescribe but I believe it’s a great way to rebalance, restore and relax.
Reflexology hands or feet - £55 - 45- 55 minutes
Reiki - £ 40 45-60 minutes
Combination of both - £75 90 minutes
Not sure? Tester availability £20 for 20 minutes
I'm offering - buy 4 get one free - £220 payable on first treatment, must be used within 6 months from purchase
Everyone is different and the response to Reflexology can be immediate or sometimes take longer than one appointment, but often benefits can be seen after 4-5 sessions. Regular weekly treatments are best for the body properly beginning the self-healing process, and following an initial consultation I will suggest the number of Reflexology sessions I think we should undertake.
Reflexology session last 45 - 55 minutes and cost £55. I also provide a limited number of appointments for those on low-income; contact me to enquire about availability.
Note that if you want to cancel an appointment I require 48 hours’ notice; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed. I accept payment in cash (preferred) or by bank transfer or card payments.
Reflexologists cannot claim to diagnose or cure, but during a treatment we get 'feedback' as to which parts of the body are working well and which are not. Sometimes Reflexology will highlight a specific area which is struggling or working hard to maintain your wellbeing; if a particular reflex point shows this kind of reaction I'll discuss it with you at the end of the session.
Reflexology is performed entirely on the feet, ankles or hands, so the most you’ll have to do is take off your socks and roll up your trousers! During the treatment the client lies on their back on a reclining chair, supported by pillows and covered with a soft blanket to keep them warm.
And don’t worry - reflexology doesn't tickle! Many clients come to me with ticklish feet or worried about their feet being touched, but find they can relax and enjoy the benefits of Reflexology.
You might find some areas feel sensitive to the touch, but Reflexology does not involve hard pressing in the way something like a sports massage might. As a therapist I will be aware of the status of your feet, noticing how they feel, the temperature and colour. All these things play a part in understanding which areas of your body - as reflected through your feet - require a bit more care and attention.
Not necessarily, but after an initial course of treatment many people choose to check in monthly for a top-up, to help maintain their general wellbeing, or as a scheduled 'de-stress'. Other clients will get back in touch if they start feeling aches and pains, arranging treatments as and when they need them.